Financial Calculators

Math4Law offers a wide range of financial calculators that help you determine the present value of assets, the future value of assets, and loan amortization schedules. Through an easy and friendly user interface, enter your financial data to generate a printable calculation which you can present during negotiations.

Access to the financial calculators is available with every active subscription. You can also try them for free for one week after your register.

Available Calculators


Present Value Calculators

  • Pension Plan

  • Stream of Equal Payments

  • Stream of Increasing Payments (useful for cost-of-living adjustment)

  • Lump Sum needed presently to fund a stream of future payments

  • Maintenance Entitlement

  • Monthly Payment available from Lump Sum


Date Calculators

  • Calculate a date given a start date and number of days

  • Calculate number of days between two dates

Future Value Calculators

  • Stream of Equal Payments over time

  • Value of Lump Sum investment over time


Loan Amortization

  • Calculate loan payment for a given term

  • Calculate loan term for a given payment